Does the 1,000 calorie diet work for weight loss?
Does the 1,000 calorie diet work for weight loss? The 1,000 calorie diet does work for weight loss as long as a person sticks to the plan strictly. This typically means cutting calories from all foods. However, since people react differently to calorie restriction, some may find better success with certain food groups than others. Cutting more calories from lean protein sources like fish and skinless chicken can help keep hunger at bay while resulting in greater initial weight loss, according to the Hull-House Wellness Center. Some research even suggests following the 1,000 calorie diet plan combined with exercise results in faster weight loss than exercise alone in overweight and obese women. The 1,000 calorie diet is a common diet for weight loss. This article examines the effectiveness of the 1,000 calorie diet in burning fat and reaching your weight goals. The 1,000 calorie diet is a very straightforward method for weight loss. The theory is that by eating just under 1,000 ca...