Foods You Must Give Up If You Don't Want High Blood Pressure, Say Experts

  Foods You Must Give Up If You Don't Want High Blood Pressure, Say Experts

Good News! Foods that must be given up if you don't want high blood pressure have been discovered . and you will eat them, Best of all, their delicious taste makes it impossible to resist—and with every bite, your bad blood pressure numbers go down .

If you don't want blood pressure so high that it puts you at risk of heart disease or stroke, you must give up the unhealthy foods on this list.

A blood pressure-friendly food plan may not be difficult to follow if you know these six foods that you must give up completely.

The new study looked at data from more than 20,000 people and found that certain foods are directly linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, such as: corn oil, whole or 2 percent fat milk, cheese--especially processed cheeses, ground beef--even when it's lean, soybean oil safflower oil sunflower seeds Most of these contain too much salt. On the flip side of those foods to avoid is spinach because it is a natural diuretic

Make your diet a low-sodium one, experts advise. New research suggests that restricting salt intake and cutting down on certain foods — among other changes — can cut the risk of high blood pressure in half.

Whether you are trying to lower high blood pressure or simply keep it in check, eliminating some of your favorite foods shouldn't be a problem. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Keeping it at a healthy level requires lifestyle modification, including lowering sodium intake and getting regular exercise.

The foods we eat--and sometimes even the time of day we indulge in them--can affect the blood pressure more than we ever suspected. The American Heart Association told us this, and then some.

Millions of Americans suffer from high blood pressure, but 80 percent don't realize they have the condition. according to new guidelines released by the American heart association and the American College of Cardiology, millions should be eating more of certain foods and avoiding others.

Foods to avoid if you want to keep your blood pressure down, according to experts.

Watching your nutrition can help keep your blood pressure levels in check, reports the American Heart Association... Most Americans eat more sodium than they should, and the recommendation is even lower for people with high blood pressure, those over 50, African-Americans and anyone who has been diagnosed with hypertension.

You may have tried to eat healthy in the past, but you may not be eating healthy enough. how do we know? Researchers at the Hypertension Institute of Virginia (HIOVA) say a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is key in decreasing high blood pressure.

Foods are good for your heart. What do you expect from your favorite barbecue sauce? This spicy, tangy sauce is from our own recipe and loaded with flavor. It has only 60 calories a serving, so use it to spice up any meat, fish or poultry dish. Be a part of the thousands who have switched to Barbecue Miracle Sauce. Does not contain high fructose corn syrup.
